Monday, January 10, 2011

Seki and Victory

The third game of the 9th Jeongganjang Cup was played earlier this day. Moon Dowon (2 dan) of South Korea met Chinen Kaori (4 dan) a veteran player from Japan.

Chinen Kaori (left) vs. Moon Dowon (right)

The game was fierce since the very beginning. Chinen started an attack to Moon's group at the left side with black 37. Moon countered by separating black's stones at the bottom side and bottom right corner. Later, white separated black's group and found a counter attack against black's group at the bottom board.

Chinen showed an interesting life and death situation starting with black 157. She sacrificed 5 stones in order to get a seki position. White took sente at the end of complicated fighthing and got out with a big territory at the upper side. Moon Dowon won the game by 10.5 points.

Moon Dowon (left) and Chinen Kaori (right)

So far this is the most interesting game of the tournament. Let see if Moon Dowon can win the fourth game tomorrow.

Post game

Here is the game record:
Moon Dowon (white) vs. Chinen Kaori (black). Result: W+10.5

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[9th Jeongganjang Cup, game 3]
DT[2011-01-10]PB[Chinen Kaori]BR[4p]PW[Moon Dowon]WR[2p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[W+10.5]MULTIGOGM[1]