Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Four In A Row

Moon Dowon did it again! After three successful game, she won the fourth game today. This time she beat Li He (3 dan) of China with the white stones.

Li He (left) vs. Moon Dowon (right)

The game opened with black played a 5-3 komoku enclosure at the lower right corner (which is a less popular option nowadays comparing to the direct kakari). White's approach at move 6 is a rather new answer to black's approach. The combination up to move 24 is joseki.

The fight started after black played move 49, separating white's stones. White's position is quite difficult since she has 2 weak groups to take care for. Moon Dowon chose to sacrifice the group at P9 at move 98. Moon later cut Li He's stone at move 128 and Li chose to abandon it. Maybe a solid nobi at K17 is better. Despite losing a big group at the right side, Moon Dowon captured a big territory at the upper and left side. The game was very close, but Moon won the last ko fight and made the gap bigger.

Moon Dowon will play one Japan team member tomorrow. The format of this year's Jeongganjang Cup is different from the previous. There will be only 2 stages this year. Each stage consists of 7 rounds. It seems this is the effect of the late start of the tournament where it usually starts at the end of the previous year and ended at the next year.

Here is the game record:
Moon Dowon (white) vs. Li He (black). Result: W+7.5

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[9th Jeongganjang Cup, game 4]DT[2011-01-11]
PB[Li He]BR[39]PW[Moon Dowon]WR[2p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[W+7.5]MULTIGOGM[1]