Mukai Chiaki (left) vs. Moon Dowon (right)
The game was interesting and it seems that Mukai Chiaki had the flow at the beginning of the game. Mukai sacrificed 3 stones to capture black's group at the center. However, Moon Dowon played a great end game and won the game there.
Moon Dowon has 5 victories in her pocket now. Will she win the sixth game?
Move 179 seems to be the winning move. It reduced white's territory a lot and black still had sente. In the end, Moon Dowon won the game by 1.5 points.
Here is the game record:
Moon Dowon (black) vs. Mukai Chiaki (white). Result: B+1.5
(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[9th Jeongganjang Cup, game 5]DT[2011-01-12]
PB[Moon Dowon]BR[2p]PW[Mukai Chiaki]WR[4p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+1.5]MULTIGOGM[1]
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