Thursday, January 13, 2011

35th Kisei Starts

The 35th Kisei title match series starts! The first game started today and will continue tomorrow to find whose blood will be spilled first.

Cho U (left) and Iyama Yuta (right) at the opening ceremony.

The attention to this year's Kisei is quite big, because the rivalry between Cho U and Iyama Yuta continues here aftet the last time they played for Meijin title.

The first day ended at move 55 with Cho U did the sealing move. The question is, did Cho decide to help his stones at the right side, or capturing at H8, or played somewhere else? Let see the answer tomorrow.

Cho U handled the sealed move.

Here is the game record of day 1
Cho U (white) vs. Iyama Yuta (black).

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[35th Kisei game 1 day 1]
DT[2011-01-13]PB[Iyama Yuta]BR[9p]PW[Cho U]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[Progressing!]MULTIGOGM[1]


Kendrick said...

Thanks for all the great GO coverage. I really love reading all about it.

Biondy said...

hi. thank you very much for the kind words :)

I really appreciate it :)

Hoang Anh said...

Does that mean Cho already played his move but Iyama wasn't allowed to know about it?

Biondy said...

yes. Cho is the only one who know what the next move is.