Monday, January 3, 2011

First Game of 2011

This is my first game at 2011. I luckily pulled out victory after a terrible start. I hope I can improve more this year and I wish you guys will do so :)

(;CA[utf-8]ST[2]RU[Japanese]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]GM[1]AP[CGoban:3]SZ[19]FF[4]DT[2011-01-02]
PC[The KGS Go Server at http\://]PB[Biondy]BR[1d]PW[jgxu01]WR[1d]
;B[pd]BL[897.325]C[This is my first game of the year. And my first victory at "The First Game of the Year"

I lost in 2008-2010 edition (LOL)]
[fc:C][cf:D]C[In my retrospect, I think this move is not the correct approach...

A.B.C,or D perhaps better here.]
CR[dk]C[I try to attack the marked stone, using the power of my wall.];W[fq]WL[883.56]
;W[bf]WL[778.75];B[bd]BL[739.331];W[af]WL[776.285];B[cm]BL[692.11]LB[hf:A]C[I was to eager to kill the group. A is better here.]
LB[hd:A][in:B][kl:C]C[Here i have two choices.
1. Let the white group connected, while I live with two eyes and get sente

2. Make a seki, ended up in gote.

The second choice is the best in my opinion. White get less point by seki. and there is a cut to be worried by white ('A') and vital point at 'B' or 'C']
LB[in:A]C[Big mistake. I should take sente here by playing 'A'];W[io]WL[714.931]
;W[oi]WL[662.314];B[ni]BL[497.601];W[oh]WL[658.981];B[ph]BL[496.394]LB[qi:A]C['A' is better I think]
;B[nk]BL[467.656];W[rl]WL[621.545]LB[ll:A]C[White is confidence about his marked group ]
C[White's position is good. He can live by playing A and there is a jump at B. my position is terrible.]
C[The damage is huge. Black is behind.];B[lq]BL[394.486];W[lm]WL[547.12];B[hq]BL[357.275]
;W[hr]WL[542.838];B[bq]BL[354.996];W[jq]WL[533.413]LB[cr:A]C[I think this move is the losing move. The nobi at 'A' is good enough for white.]
;B[cr]BL[352.059]C[Now white in danger.];W[dr]WL[532.341];B[dq]BL[350.395];W[iq]
C[Now black get the chance to come back.];B[kq]BL[291.09];W[kr]WL[500.076];B[mr]
;B[sn]BL[133.934];W[ms]WL[441.472];B[nq]BL[98.085];W[ns]WL[437.119]LB[os:A]C[A mistake! 'A' is the only move!]
;W[sq]WL[396.311]LB[rd:A]C[The final mistake!. A is obviously better. I think white will win if he played A.

This is the end of the commentary.

Oveerall, I was to eager to kill a group and abandon to play a better move which almost cost me a game. However, I was saved by white's carelessness and luckily manage to pick a victory. A lucky win. I hope I'll get better this year and can improve 1 or 2 stones. Good luck in improving your igo skill everybody \:D]