Sunday, April 25, 2010

FII Survival Team Tournament

Recently Indonesia Igo Federation (it's called FII here) held an online team tournament. It's a team tournament using win and continue system, like the one Nongshim and Jeongganjang use.

I also enter the tournament. The first game is between Mr. Edy and me. Luckily I won the game by 6.5 points ^ ^

Here is my review over the game:

(;CA[utf-8]ST[2]RU[Japanese]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]GM[1]C[Biondy [1k\]\: halo
EdyLie [-\]\: onegaishimashu
Biondy [1k\]\: onegaishimasu
AP[CGoban:3]SZ[19]FF[4]DT[2010-04-25]PC[The KGS Go Server at http\://]
;W[po]WL[3585.39]LB[mp:A][mq:B][nq:C][gq:D]C[It's usually considered bad to approach from this side. A-D is more usual.]
;W[qm]WL[3531.86];B[ok]BL[3559.07]SQ[qm][po][qp][qq]C[White's position is narrow. This is why the approach considered bad.]
(;W[id]WL[3512.13]C[Perhaps should play in aother place...];B[mc]BL[3534.93];W[cm]
C[The exchange is favorable for black.];W[eo]WL[3475.57];B[fp]BL[3439.66];W[hp]
;W[in]WL[3451.01];B[ko]BL[3417.72];W[qc]WL[3420.13]C[Dubious invasion. This invasion helps black to strenghten his position.]
(;B[kd]BL[3359.36]C[A slack move. I try to solidify this side. Perhaps iken tobi os better.]
C[I damaged this side and my group is not settled...];B[ph]BL[3252.46];W[if]WL[3325.4]
(;B[rr]BL[3200.98]LB[ck:A]C[Maybe extension at A is better];W[dj]WL[3266.63];B[cj]
(;B[kb]BL[3091.29]C[A mistake...];W[lc]WL[3186.71];B[kc]BL[3089.65];W[mb]WL[3185.12]
(;W[jk]WL[3001.25]LB[jl:A]C[A is better. There is no aji that black can use like in the real game.]
(;B[el]BL[2456.77]LB[bj:A]C[A mistake. I can gain 2 or 3 points better by playing A.]
(;B[qi]BL[2412.71]LB[qh:A]C[A silly mistake =_=
I thought my stones will be captured if white cuts at A!!]
[cn][dn][qn][ao][bo][do][oo][qo][ap][cp][aq][bq][pn][nb]C[I didn't play well in this game =_=

Hopefully I can do better in the second game.])
(;B[rh]LB[qj:A]C[Definitely not connecting at A!!])
[sl][sm]C[Black will be captured.])))
(;B[bj];W[pp];B[of];W[ne];B[el];W[ba];B[ac];W[as];B[cs]C[This way I got two points better.]))
[le][kd][ld][mc][nc]C[It reduces white's wall and help my group on the right.]))
(;W[nc];B[pf];W[jd]C[I'm thinking about this])
(;W[gq]C[Or this]))


Peter said...

Congrats on your win! You outplayed your opponent in the fuseki and he never really recovered.