Friday, April 23, 2010

Tianyuan Went to Third Game

The 24th Chinese Tianyuan went all the way to the third and decisive game after title holder, Chen Yaoye won the second game by resignation.

Chen Yaoye (left) vs. Gu Li (right)

Gu Li the challenger won the first game by resignation. He opened the game by playing low Chinese as white. A difficult battle arose in the center when Chen attacked white's weak group. However, Gu Li successfully alive after a long fight. Chen resigned at move 224.

Here is the game record:

EV[24th Tianyuan title match 1]
PW[Gu Li]
PB[Chen Yaoye]

The second game was played at April 22. Gu Li who played black chose to play territorially in the opening.

Move 27 is rare. Usually black play at D14. Black tried to save his stone at move 84, though it turned out to be problematic for him. Chen separated the group and attacked black's weak group strongly. He even sacrificed his group in the left side (C11 group) and a group of 14 stones to kill black's weak group! An excellent game by white.

Here is the game record:

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[24th Chinese Tianyuan Game 2]PB[Gu Li]
BR[9p]PW[Chen Yaoye]WR[9p]KM[7.5]RE[White+R]MULTIGOGM[1]

The third game is played today, Let see who will won the title today.