Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lee Changho Won Day 1

The first game at the International Meijin Championship which is being held at China was decided. It was battle between China's Mingren vs. Korea's Myeongin. Yup! It was Gu Li vs. Lee Changho.

Left to right: Gu Li, Iyama Yuta, and Lee Changho

Gu Li who played white took the center at this game, while Lee got a big moyo at the upper side. The battle started at move 100 where Gu tried to save his stones. Gu Li showed a good fighthing skill, creating a ko fight, trying to survive. However, Lee was calm about this. It was later proved to be true that Gu can't win the fight. He resigned at move 209.

Here's the game record:

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[1st International Master Championship, game 1]
DT[2010-07-24]PB[Lee Changho]BR[9p]PW[Gu Li]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+R]MULTIGOGM[1]

This mean, tomorrow's game will be Gu Li vs. Iyama Yuta.