Saturday, July 31, 2010

Half Point and Fourth Victory

What's the connection between half point and four victory? Well, simple. Park Jiyeon (2 dan) won her fourth games at the 4th GG Auction Cup in a half point game against Kang Hoon (9 dan).

I must say that this game is very entertaining. Lot of fight and exchange happened. Park who played white opened the game by taking 2 corners and a settled position in the right side. The first trade came when black let white captured three black stones at the upper left for white's invading stones.

White made a good use of her captured group. She played a smart combination from move 94 to 100.

I personally dislike Park's outfit today :(

Not only white who played a nice combination, black also did it. Black started with a probe at move 139. White responded it normally, then black played a fierce cut with 141. The sequence went until move 172 where black threatened to capture white's group.

Cho Hyeyeon and Park Jiyeon

After a hard 310 moves, Park won the game.

Witht her fourth victory, Park Jiyeon breaks her personal record at GG Auction Cup. Her best streak so far was three times at the 1st championship. Let see if she can break the 4 consecutive barrier for female players.

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rating game]EV[4th GG Auction Cup, game 6]
DT[20100731 [15\:28\]]PB[Kang Hoon]BR[9p]PW[Park Jiyeon]WR[2p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[W+0.5]