Friday, July 30, 2010

Girls Fight

Let's take a look at a recently played game. This game came from the 23rd Female Meijin league. Black is Okuda Aya (2 dan) and white is Suzuki Ayumi (5 dan).

Okuda Aya

In this game, Okuda Aya who played black showed an excellent game. The game became complicated early when Suzuki Ayumi played a hit shoulder at move 10. Black struggled to come out and helped her group in the center.

Suzuki Ayumi

The game was decided when black cut white's stone at move 149. It seemed that white would win the capturing race. However, black played a tesuji with 179 to kill white. Black won the game by resignation.

Okuda Aya recently showed a very good result. She was the finalist of the 4th Daiwa Ladies Cup and notably, she beat Xie Yimin at the first round of the championship. She also started her Female Meijin league with a nice victory.

Here's the game record:

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[23rd Japanese Female Meijin, league]
DT[2010-07-29]PB[Okuda Aya]BR[2p]PW[Suzuki Ayumi]WR[5p]KM[6.5]RE[B+R]MULTIGOGM[1]