Sunday, December 20, 2009

Korea Even the Score with Japan

The second stage of the 8th Jeongganjang Cup was started today (December 20). The stage was opened with a match between Park Sohyun from Korea and Aoki Kikuyo from Japan.

When the first stage ended in September (can't believe how fast time fly by O_o) Korea's position is slightly worse than Japan, since 2 of their members already eliminated, while Japan and China both still have 4 members.

However, today Park Sohyun managed to won the game from Aoki Kikuyo and made Korea tied with Japan.

Park Sohyun

Park played the game as white while Aoki Kikuyo played as black. The game opened with Aoki took 3 corners, while Park took the initiative by sacrificing the last empty corner. Up to move 33, the game is usual. White move at 34 is rather rare, since usually white will attach from Q5 to make a ladder breaker, but Park decided to play for territory.

Board position up to move 111

After the exchange in the bottom right corner, white attacked black's weak stones in the center. Black exchanged her uper right corner for a solid position in the upper board (inside white's area). White then played a very good game and hold the initiative.

White 156 is a very big move. It's a big move and white took it first. Black later tried to catch up in the yose (black 165 is a good example of a yose tesuji), but it's not enough to chase white.

White eventually won by 6.5 points.

Tomorrow Park Sohyun will play against one member from China. Let's see who.