Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yamada Kimio Rechallenge Oza

Unsuccessfully challenging for Cho U's Oza title last year (losing 0-3), Yamada Kimio will take Cho U in another 5 games title match. Yamada Kimio won 58th Oza Final to become this year challenger.

Yamada Kimio

Yamada who has a terrible year this year after losing his seats at both Meijin league (with 2-6 record) and Honinbo league (with 2-5 record also lost to Cho Sonjin at the first round of 66th Honinbo final preliminary), seize his last chance to prove himself this year at the top 7 titles.

Yamada beat Mochizuki Kenichi (7 dan) in a tense wrecking game. I don't understand white's final decision when he played F11 (move 206). I think connecting at J13 is the only answer. White will be connected that way!

Mochizuki Kenichi

Here is the game record:
Yamada Kimio (black) vs. Mochizuki Kenichi (white). Result: B+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rating game]EV[58th Japanese Oza, final]
DT[2010-08-26]PB[Yamada Kimio]BR[9p]PW[Mochizuki Kenichi]WR[7p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+R!]