Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mukai Chiaki Once Again!

This year final of the 29th Female Honinbo is final of two people who each has a personal "grudge" against the current Female Honinbo, Xie Yimin. For Umezaw Yukari, winning the final will mean a chance to pay Xie Yimin back for the lost of her Female Kisei. Meanwhile, for Mukai Chiaki, winning this final will mean another chance to steal Xie's title after her unsuccessful Female Meijin challenge in early March.

Umezawa Yukari (left) vs. Mukai Chiaki (right)

Mukai Chiaki who played black chose to play Low Chinese Opening. After an early corner-side trade, Mukai aimed the upper board as her basis. White's early lost came when black successfully exploit white's weak groups at the center and right side. Black managed to split white and captured 3 white stones at the center.

Umezawa Yukari resigned at move 223. She was behind about 5 points including komi. With this, the youngest of the three Mukai sisters once again challenge Xie for her title. This is also Mukai's revenge to her lost at the 11th Female Kisei title match where she lost 2-0 to Umezawa Yukari who was the title holder that time.

Mukai Chiaki

The first game date is October 6. The game will be played at Hanamaki, Iwate.

Here is the game record:
Mukai Chiaki (black) vs. Umezawa Yukari (white). Result: B+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[29th Female Honinbo, final]DT[2010-08-26]
PB[Mukai Chiaki]BR[4p]PW[Umezawa Yukari]WR[5p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[Black Win by Resign!]