Wednesday, May 19, 2010

FII Survival Team Tournament (5)

This is my fifth tournament game. I won this one rather easily (comparing to my last game).

I was (again) black and white is Ms.Harfina. Enjoy my review.

(;CA[utf-8]FF[4]ST[2]RU[Japanese]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]C[Biondy [1k\]\: hi
SZ[19]GM[1]DT[2010-05-19]PC[The KGS Go Server at http\://]PB[Biondy]
;B[qd]BL[3590.42]C[nana12678 [-\]\: hi^^
WL[3565.89];B[fc]BL[3554.16];W[cf]WL[3562.71];B[lc]BL[3547.58]C[I played a trendy opening, the micro-Chinese]
;W[od]WL[3496.96]C[I think this move is really bad...];B[pf]BL[3535.17];W[qc]WL[3427.3]
;B[rc]BL[3531.65];W[pc]WL[3425.76];B[re]BL[3529.84]MA[lc]C[Due to the marked stone, white can't extend.]
;B[qf]BL[3520.36];W[nq]WL[3374.62]C[I got a nice wall, while white is not 100% settled yet.]
C[The last 4 moves are good for black.];W[jp]WL[3190.9];B[cn]BL[3431.04];W[fp]WL[3178.41]
;B[ck]BL[3409.03];W[ci]WL[3104.55];B[cq]BL[3248.85]MA[hq]C[I was thinking about playing at 'x', but I think this one is better...]
;W[kq]WL[2824.14];B[jo]BL[3119.47];W[ko]WL[2799.21];B[kn]BL[3039.12]C[I can't keep all the stones together. The fight will be too hard.]
;B[om]BL[2989.69];W[qq]WL[2760.93]CR[ln][kn][jo][io]MA[nm]C[Maybe white should block first to keep pressure on my marked stones]
;W[qr]WL[2745.53];B[nm]BL[2950.03];W[mk]WL[2459.15]C[The invasion is necessary, but I managed to connect my group and defend the right side, so I'm not sure that this is the best move.]
;W[dk]WL[2257.55];B[dm]BL[2872.68];W[fl]WL[2248.72];B[fh]BL[2843.86]C[Too far!]
C[patapoon [5k\]\: huahahha
patapoon [5k\]\: br tau dia si chibi maen lama...
patapoon [5k\]\: ampe bsk dah...
sandan [-\]\: kyknya lebih lama dr biasnya kl ini
AiHoliC [8k\]\: chibi sapa?
patapoon [5k\]\: kita seh dah tau
patapoon [5k\]\: wakakakka lemot dia
patapoon [5k\]\: chibi yg lg maen \:p
patapoon [5k\]\: untung dia blom bs bc hahaha
(;W[ge]WL[1290.98]C[A bad move.];B[ed]BL[2363.36];W[gf]WL[1286.96];B[dc]BL[2356.46]
;B[cj]BL[2268.23]C[I destroyed the corner and got sente.];W[dj]WL[1181.72];B[bi]
C[The rest is a simple yose. My comment ends here.];W[mh]WL[882.345];B[mi]BL[2011.3]
(;W[ec];B[ge];W[ed];B[hb];W[eg]C[This one is better.]))