Sunday, May 16, 2010

FII Survival Team Tournament (4)

This is my game this week for FII survival tournament. I got lucky again this time >.<
Hope I can play better next week.
I was black and white was Mr. Handy.

(;CA[utf-8]FF[4]ST[2]RU[Japanese]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]C[Biondy [1k\]\: hai
SZ[19]GM[1]DT[2010-05-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at http\://]PB[Biondy]
;B[qd]BL[3592.39]C[handy [-\]\: hai
;B[ed]BL[3576.22];W[df]WL[3569.23];B[cc]BL[3572.3];W[dd]WL[3563.49]C[A new move, but I think it is a bad move.]
;W[ih]WL[3510.6];B[hi]BL[3502.36];W[ii]WL[3506.17];B[fi]BL[3499.25]C[I should extend once more]
;B[ci]BL[3487.83]C[I tried to create base and attack at the same time.];W[bc]WL[3485.58]
;W[gk]WL[3418.11];B[ej]BL[3385.26];W[el]WL[3405.67]C[This move is not good I think. C6 is better.]
;W[cj]WL[3400.25];B[bj]BL[3373.57]MA[cn]C[white can't cut due to my C6 stone];W[ek]
WL[3337.36];B[lp]BL[3334.67]C[I'm not sure about this move...];W[mp]WL[3325.45]
(;B[pi]BL[3183.45]MA[ph][oh]C[I thought my stones will be captured here... but I was wrong.]
(;B[bn]BL[3123.21]C[This is the fatal mistake.];W[hn]WL[3135.17];B[hm]BL[3045.02]
C[Handy later admit that it was a misclick here. For two consecutive weeks. I got lucky.]
(;W[bm];B[bn];W[an];B[bl];W[al];B[ak];W[am];B[cm];W[ao]C[I still got two eyes.])
(;B[qk];W[pi];B[sj];W[qh];B[ni]C[I forgot that white stone was in atari >.<]))