Monday, January 12, 2009

Song Ronghui Keep On Moving

After a clear swept in the first stage of the 7th Jeongganjang (or Cheongkwanjang) Cup, Song Ronghui (1 dan) from China won the first round of the second stage.

Taking Black, she beat Kim Hyeoyimin (5 dan) from Korea by resignation.

The opening is quite ok for both side, eventhough I think black is slightly ahead. When it came to move 95, black was leading.
I think move 212 from white should be at K7 instead of J9. Black torn white apart with one move and brought resignation from white in move 215, however black is about 10 points ahead on board, so actually the result has decided eventhough white didn't torn apart.

Now Korea is down to their last 2 players Park Jieun and Lee Minjin who won this cup for Korea in the last 2 years, while Japan still has three players left. Suzuki Ayumi, Umezawa Yukari, and Aoki Kikuyo.Last year Aoki Kikuyo perform very well for Japan. I wonder if she can repeat it again this year.