Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Park Yeonghun Won Game 1 of 12th Maxim Cup Final

Park Yeonghun (9 dan) took the lead at the final of the 12th Maxim Cup.

Park Yeonghun (left) vs. Weon Sungjin (right) at Myeongin title match

Park who played white as usual, played for territory. The deciding move started when white played white 130. Black decided to attack two white stones at the left, however white found a great combination and survived the attack.

Lee Changho (left) vs. Choi Cheolhan (right) at Kuksu title match

Will Lee Changho end his bad slump by taking his chance at the second game, or will Park successfully repeat his result in 2008? The second game will be played at April 7.

Here is the game record:
Park Yeonghun (white) vs. Lee Changho (black). Result: W+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[12th Korean Maxim Cup, final 1]DT[2011-03-21]
PB[Lee Changho]BR[9p]PW[Park Yeonghun ]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1]