Saturday, March 5, 2011

Interesting Game

I played an interesting game yesterday. I was black and I somehow managed to get a ko threat which forced white to reduce his own liberty. I commented the game. Feel free to drop some inputs.

Here is the game record:

;B[db];W[gd]C[A rare joseki.];B[lc]
(;W[nc]C[I think the invasion is premature.];B[pc];W[md];B[ld];W[jc];B[jd];W[id]
;B[je];W[ic];B[me];W[ne];B[mf];W[nf];B[od];W[nd];B[mg];W[qf];B[oh];W[pg];B[qi]C[Now white's group is heavy.]
(;B[rc]C[I don't think I can kill the group.];W[pb];B[qb];W[oc];B[pd];W[mb];B[lb]
;W[sf];B[sh];W[pa];B[na];W[ra]C[I actually missed this simple answer.];B[rb];W[qa]
;B[ma];W[sb];B[jh]C[Eventhough my corner was killed, I got a strong wall.];W[kf]
(;W[jb]C[maybe white should just cut black.];B[ok];W[kb]C[Again, the cut is better.]
;B[gm];W[gk];B[en];W[dn];B[fl];W[fk];B[el];W[ek];B[gh];W[fi];B[hk];W[hi];B[hm]C[If white cuts, I have to play a lot of moves in my own territory. that's why I connected here.]
C[I have some useful ko threats here..];W[kq];B[kp];W[sb];B[lg]C[Now white has to decrease his own liberty or his group will die. but that means his corner will die easily.]
(;W[or];B[pr];W[oq];B[ns];W[np];B[os]C[This connects black, but white has another answer.])
(;W[pr];B[or];W[np];B[ns];W[oq]C[white will easily alive.])))
(;W[jc];B[oc];W[nq]C[Maybe this is better.]))

Or you can download the game here.


Andira Indah said...

Hi, Biondy.
Why doesn't white go to R17 instead of N17? Btw, I want to save ur game but I can't coz the link is already dead.

Biondy said...

White can play R17. Black will play M14 as the answer and the big white group in the center is dead. White plays N17 so the groups are seki.

Ooh... Maybe it was deleted. You can enjoy the review only via my blog then :)