Pas pertandingan babak pertama selesai, aku nonton Rahmaddhani ngajarin si Wetry main pake handicap 5. Soalnya Wetry ketemu rekan sedaerahnya (halah!) Danang di babak berikutnya (yang notabene harus dilawannya dengan handicap 5). Gara-gara ngeliatin mereka, jadinya terlambat keluar buat makan, dan makanan yang tersisa cuma onigiri, udang, sama sup (ga tau deh yang lain apaan). Jadinya gue cuma makan itu doang.. Lapar banget pas sorenya wkwkwwkwkwkwk *ketawa miris.
Abis makan babak kedua dimulai
Pairing round 2 dan division:
Tone vs. Shoda
Wicky vs. Wakana
Ejiri vs. Erick
Sementara di kyu division, pairingnya sebagai berikut:
Erick vs. Afkar
Wetry vs. Danang
Andrew vs. Reza
Edy Then vs. Chaku
Sementara untuk divisi group pairingnya:
Indonesia 1 vs. Korea
Indonesia 2 vs. Jepang
Dan hasilnya:
Dan division:
Tone O vs. X Shoda
Wicky O vs. X Wakana
Ejiri O vs. X Erick
Kyu division:
Erick X vs. O Afkar
Wetry O vs. X Danang
Andrew O vs. X Reza
Edy Then X vs. O Chaku
Group division:
Indonesia 1 vs. Korea
Mr. Rahmaddahani X vs. O Mr. Kim
Mr. Daniel J O vs. X Mr. Bang
Mr. Surya O vs. X Mr. Hong
Indonesia 2 vs. Jepang
Ms. Harfina O vs. X Mr. Kim
Mr. Edwin X vs. O Mr. Bang
Mr. Daniel T. O vs. X Mr. Hong
Untuk kali ini aku minta maaf... Gara-gara keasyikan main, jadi lupa ngambil foto buat babak kedua. wakakakakakakkaa T_T
sorry guys...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Turnamen Internasional Ke-7 (2)
Besoknya bangun pagi-pagi sekitar jam 7 gitu. Keluar nyari sarapan sama Hari (harusnya dari semalam kita beli. Cuma pada kagak ingat soal sarapan kemarinnya :p). Abis sarapan, terus mandi, abis itu beres-beres buat check out, terus pada foto-foto dulu sebelum check out wkwkwkwkwk.
Habis check out, kita naik 2 taksi menuju ke JF. Ternyata dari hotelnya ke JF gak gitu jauh. Cuma sekitar 10 menitan. Udah nyampe, Hari nemenin aku foto spanduk di luar gedung Summitmas dulu (sorry yah Har.. jadi nemenin).

Ini nih spanduknya..
Setelah foto-foto, terus naik ke lantai 2, abis itu registrasi. Pas ketemu sama Wetry, dia bilang ada tasnya yang ketinggalan di taksi. ASTAGA!! Terus isinya ada ATM, KTP, uang, sama masih ada barang lainnya. Cuma akhirnya bisa pasrah nunggu telpon balik dari pihak taksinya (cuma sekarang udah balik lagi barang-barangnya ke Wetry. Syukur yah Wet :D).

Registrasi peserta


Main sebelum acara
Pas ngeliat susunan pemain, aku rada bingung. Soalnya entry rankku kan 1k, tapi malah dimasukkin ke dan division. Katanya Bu Yui (orang dari pihak Japan Foundation, MC acara, serta orang yang udah repot-repot nolongin perjalanku. Thanks yah Bu Yui :D) karena peserta dan tahun ini sedikit, akhirnya pemain 1 kyu masuk ke divisi dan.
Ini pairing untuk round 1 dan division:
Tone (Jepang, 4 dan) vs. Abi Prana (Indonesia, 1 dan)
Shoda (Jepang, 4 dan) vs. Biondy (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Kamemura (Jepang 3 dan) vs. Wicky (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Wakana (Jepang, 1 dan) vs. Handy (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Ejiri (Jepang, 1 dan) vs. Diana Lie (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Uesugi (Jepang, 1 kyu) vs. Erick (Indonesia, 1 kyu)

Sambutan sebelum acara
Aku ketemu Shoda san. Karena sistem turnamennya menggunakan handicap, jadi aku main sebagai hitam dengan handicap 4. Awalnya sih memimpin permainan, cuma karena 1 langkah salah, akhirnya jadi kalah di semeai dan aku menyerah :( hiks... sedih banget... cuma ya mau diapain lagi...
Hasil round 1 dan division:
Tone O vs. X Abi Prana
Shoda O vs. X Biondy
Kamemura X vs. O Wicky
Wakana O vs. X Handy
Ejiri O vs. X Diana Lie
Uesugi X vs. O Erick
Sementara itu teman-teman dari Bandung semuanya ada di divisi kyu. Cuma sayang si Luthfi kagak bisa main, soalnya hanya satu orang lagi yang bisa main. Jadinya Danang yang main.
Pairing round 1 kyu division:
Pipin (2 kyu) vs. Afkar (3 kyu)
Jeffry (2 kyu) vs. Danang (7 kyu)
Andrew (2 kyu) vs. Wempy (3 kyu)
Edy Then (3 kyu) vs. Lukman (4 kyu)
Reza (3 kyu) vs Rosa (7 kyu)
Chaku (3 kyu) vs. Hariman (7 kyu)
Lilu (3 kyu) vs. Erik (5 kyu)
Wetry (3 kyu) vs. Wembris (6 kyu)
And the winner is......
Pipin X vs. Afkar O
Jeffry X vs. Danang O
Andrew O vs. Wempy X
Edy Then O vs. Lukman X
Reza O vs Rosa X
Chaku O vs. Hariman X
Lilu X vs. Erik O
Wetry O vs. Wembris X
Sementara itu, di divisi tim, teridiri atas 4 tim, yakni Jepang, Korea, Indonesia 1, dan Indonesia 2. Biasanya tim Indonesia hanya ada 1, hanya saja karena tahun ini Cina tidak turut serta di turnamen, jadinya Indonesia jadi 2 tim.
Tim Indonesia 1:
Mr. Rahmaddahani (2 dan)
Mr. Daniel J (4 dan)
Mr. Surya (4 dan)
Tim Indonesia 2:
Ms. Harfina (1 dan)
Mr. Edwin (2 dan)
Mr. Daniel T. (3 dan)
Tim Jepang:
Mr. Takeda (5 dan)
Mr. Morimoto (6 dan)
Mr. Watanabe (7 dan)
Tim Korea:
Mr. Kim (5 dan)
Mr. Bang (6 dan)
Mr. Hong (6 dan)
Hasil untuk round 1 group division:
Tim Indonesia 1 vs. Tim Jepang
Mr. Rahmaddahani O vs. X Mr. Takeda
Mr. Daniel J O vs. X Mr. Morimoto
Mr. Surya O vs. X Mr. Watanabe
Tim Indonesia 1 berhasil sapu bersih di babak pertama. Luar biasa!

Tim Indonesia 1 (kanan) vs. Tim Jepang (kiri)
Tim Indonesia 2 vs. Tim Korea
Ms. Harfina X vs. O Mr. Kim
Mr. Edwin X vs. O Mr. Bang
Mr. Daniel T. O vs. X Mr. Hong
Sayang sekali. Tim Indonesia 2 kalah 2-1 dari Tim Korea.

Tim Indonesia 2 vs. Tim Korea
Setelah babak pertama berakhir, turnamen dihentikan dulu untuk makan siang.
Habis check out, kita naik 2 taksi menuju ke JF. Ternyata dari hotelnya ke JF gak gitu jauh. Cuma sekitar 10 menitan. Udah nyampe, Hari nemenin aku foto spanduk di luar gedung Summitmas dulu (sorry yah Har.. jadi nemenin).

Ini nih spanduknya..
Setelah foto-foto, terus naik ke lantai 2, abis itu registrasi. Pas ketemu sama Wetry, dia bilang ada tasnya yang ketinggalan di taksi. ASTAGA!! Terus isinya ada ATM, KTP, uang, sama masih ada barang lainnya. Cuma akhirnya bisa pasrah nunggu telpon balik dari pihak taksinya (cuma sekarang udah balik lagi barang-barangnya ke Wetry. Syukur yah Wet :D).

Registrasi peserta


Main sebelum acara
Pas ngeliat susunan pemain, aku rada bingung. Soalnya entry rankku kan 1k, tapi malah dimasukkin ke dan division. Katanya Bu Yui (orang dari pihak Japan Foundation, MC acara, serta orang yang udah repot-repot nolongin perjalanku. Thanks yah Bu Yui :D) karena peserta dan tahun ini sedikit, akhirnya pemain 1 kyu masuk ke divisi dan.
Ini pairing untuk round 1 dan division:
Tone (Jepang, 4 dan) vs. Abi Prana (Indonesia, 1 dan)
Shoda (Jepang, 4 dan) vs. Biondy (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Kamemura (Jepang 3 dan) vs. Wicky (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Wakana (Jepang, 1 dan) vs. Handy (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Ejiri (Jepang, 1 dan) vs. Diana Lie (Indonesia, 1 kyu)
Uesugi (Jepang, 1 kyu) vs. Erick (Indonesia, 1 kyu)

Sambutan sebelum acara
Aku ketemu Shoda san. Karena sistem turnamennya menggunakan handicap, jadi aku main sebagai hitam dengan handicap 4. Awalnya sih memimpin permainan, cuma karena 1 langkah salah, akhirnya jadi kalah di semeai dan aku menyerah :( hiks... sedih banget... cuma ya mau diapain lagi...
Hasil round 1 dan division:
Tone O vs. X Abi Prana
Shoda O vs. X Biondy
Kamemura X vs. O Wicky
Wakana O vs. X Handy
Ejiri O vs. X Diana Lie
Uesugi X vs. O Erick
Sementara itu teman-teman dari Bandung semuanya ada di divisi kyu. Cuma sayang si Luthfi kagak bisa main, soalnya hanya satu orang lagi yang bisa main. Jadinya Danang yang main.
Pairing round 1 kyu division:
Pipin (2 kyu) vs. Afkar (3 kyu)
Jeffry (2 kyu) vs. Danang (7 kyu)
Andrew (2 kyu) vs. Wempy (3 kyu)
Edy Then (3 kyu) vs. Lukman (4 kyu)
Reza (3 kyu) vs Rosa (7 kyu)
Chaku (3 kyu) vs. Hariman (7 kyu)
Lilu (3 kyu) vs. Erik (5 kyu)
Wetry (3 kyu) vs. Wembris (6 kyu)
And the winner is......
Pipin X vs. Afkar O
Jeffry X vs. Danang O
Andrew O vs. Wempy X
Edy Then O vs. Lukman X
Reza O vs Rosa X
Chaku O vs. Hariman X
Lilu X vs. Erik O
Wetry O vs. Wembris X
Sementara itu, di divisi tim, teridiri atas 4 tim, yakni Jepang, Korea, Indonesia 1, dan Indonesia 2. Biasanya tim Indonesia hanya ada 1, hanya saja karena tahun ini Cina tidak turut serta di turnamen, jadinya Indonesia jadi 2 tim.
Tim Indonesia 1:
Mr. Rahmaddahani (2 dan)
Mr. Daniel J (4 dan)
Mr. Surya (4 dan)
Tim Indonesia 2:
Ms. Harfina (1 dan)
Mr. Edwin (2 dan)
Mr. Daniel T. (3 dan)
Tim Jepang:
Mr. Takeda (5 dan)
Mr. Morimoto (6 dan)
Mr. Watanabe (7 dan)
Tim Korea:
Mr. Kim (5 dan)
Mr. Bang (6 dan)
Mr. Hong (6 dan)
Hasil untuk round 1 group division:
Tim Indonesia 1 vs. Tim Jepang
Mr. Rahmaddahani O vs. X Mr. Takeda
Mr. Daniel J O vs. X Mr. Morimoto
Mr. Surya O vs. X Mr. Watanabe
Tim Indonesia 1 berhasil sapu bersih di babak pertama. Luar biasa!

Tim Indonesia 1 (kanan) vs. Tim Jepang (kiri)
Tim Indonesia 2 vs. Tim Korea
Ms. Harfina X vs. O Mr. Kim
Mr. Edwin X vs. O Mr. Bang
Mr. Daniel T. O vs. X Mr. Hong
Sayang sekali. Tim Indonesia 2 kalah 2-1 dari Tim Korea.

Tim Indonesia 2 vs. Tim Korea
Setelah babak pertama berakhir, turnamen dihentikan dulu untuk makan siang.
Turnamen Internasional Ke-7 (1)
Baru saja diadakan turnamen Internasional ke-7 di Japan Foundation, Jakarta. Turnamen yang melibatkan 3 negara ini, yakni Indonesia, Jepang, dan Korea, diadakan pada 22 November 2009.
Japan Foundation memutuskan untuk mengundang 4 pemain dari luar daerah untuk mempererat ikatan pemain igo antar daerah (sayangnya hanya 2 daerah yang mengirimkan pemainnya). Karena itulah, aku ikut serta dalam turnamen kali ini sebagai wakil Surabaya.
Tiba di Jakarta pada Sabtu sore, aku langsung disambut dengan hujan. Untung hujannya turun pas udah di darat. Soalnya kalau hujan pas masih di pesawat, biasanya pesawatnya suka berguncang gitu... Ga enak rasanya.
Sampai bandara, terus naik taksi bandara ke hotel Aryaduta. Pas nyampe, eh, ternyata salah hotel. swt. Harusnya ke Aryaduta Suite, eh malahan diantar ke hotel Aryaduta. Akhirnya dari Aryaduta naik taksi lagi ke Aryaduta Suite di jalan Garnisun Dalam. Ngakak kalau ingat kejadian itu.
Sesudah check in, langsung naik ke suite di lantai 6. Liftnya cepet banget. Belum apa-apa udah di lantai 6. Pas nyampe di kamar, ternyata udah ada Lilu (wakil dari Bandung), Wicky, sama Edwin. Suitenya itu isinya 3 kamar, ruang tengah, kamar mandi, sama ada satu ruangan lagi yang kayaknya ruangan pompa.
Sesudah beres-beres, cerita-cerita gak jelas, nonton wawancara tentang penyantetan di TV (beneran.. lucu banget deh kasus yang satu ini. wkwkwkwkwkwwkk), tim dari Bandung yang beranggotakan 5 orang datang ke hotel. Mereka adalah (drum roll please) Hari, Wetry, Danang, Andi, dan Luthfi.
Abis itu kita (minus Danang, Andi, sama Luthfi) pergi makan di mall deket situ (apa sih nama tempatnya itu?). Pas balik ke hotel langsung pada main igo. Yang pertama Wetry sama aku. Main pake handicap 2 (entry rank si Wetry 3k, aku 1k). Aku menang 1 poin (lucky banget deh. Soalnya aslinya kalah, cuma Wetry salah pas endgame). Sudah itu giliran si Hari sama Luthfi yang main. Mereka main 2 kali kalau ga salah ingat. Pas yang pertama Luthfi menang. Berikutnya giliran Hari yang menang.


Main igo malam-malam
Udah pada capek main igo (capek karena efek perjalanan juga), semuanya pada nonton sambil nungguin Astrid datang buat nemenin Wetry. Astrid lama banget nyampenya (dari Ancol katanya. Ngelatih lumba-lumba di sana). Datangnya pas udah tengah malam.

Dari kiri ke kanan Wetry, Astrid, Luthfi, Andi, Danang
Sesudah Astrid datang, masih lanjut cerita-cerita sambil ngakak-ngakak sekitar sejam gitu, terus semuanya pada bubaran buat istirahat. Berakhirlah hari pertamaku di Jakarta.

Dari kiri ke kanan Wetry, Astrid, Hari
Japan Foundation memutuskan untuk mengundang 4 pemain dari luar daerah untuk mempererat ikatan pemain igo antar daerah (sayangnya hanya 2 daerah yang mengirimkan pemainnya). Karena itulah, aku ikut serta dalam turnamen kali ini sebagai wakil Surabaya.
Tiba di Jakarta pada Sabtu sore, aku langsung disambut dengan hujan. Untung hujannya turun pas udah di darat. Soalnya kalau hujan pas masih di pesawat, biasanya pesawatnya suka berguncang gitu... Ga enak rasanya.
Sampai bandara, terus naik taksi bandara ke hotel Aryaduta. Pas nyampe, eh, ternyata salah hotel. swt. Harusnya ke Aryaduta Suite, eh malahan diantar ke hotel Aryaduta. Akhirnya dari Aryaduta naik taksi lagi ke Aryaduta Suite di jalan Garnisun Dalam. Ngakak kalau ingat kejadian itu.
Sesudah check in, langsung naik ke suite di lantai 6. Liftnya cepet banget. Belum apa-apa udah di lantai 6. Pas nyampe di kamar, ternyata udah ada Lilu (wakil dari Bandung), Wicky, sama Edwin. Suitenya itu isinya 3 kamar, ruang tengah, kamar mandi, sama ada satu ruangan lagi yang kayaknya ruangan pompa.
Sesudah beres-beres, cerita-cerita gak jelas, nonton wawancara tentang penyantetan di TV (beneran.. lucu banget deh kasus yang satu ini. wkwkwkwkwkwwkk), tim dari Bandung yang beranggotakan 5 orang datang ke hotel. Mereka adalah (drum roll please) Hari, Wetry, Danang, Andi, dan Luthfi.
Abis itu kita (minus Danang, Andi, sama Luthfi) pergi makan di mall deket situ (apa sih nama tempatnya itu?). Pas balik ke hotel langsung pada main igo. Yang pertama Wetry sama aku. Main pake handicap 2 (entry rank si Wetry 3k, aku 1k). Aku menang 1 poin (lucky banget deh. Soalnya aslinya kalah, cuma Wetry salah pas endgame). Sudah itu giliran si Hari sama Luthfi yang main. Mereka main 2 kali kalau ga salah ingat. Pas yang pertama Luthfi menang. Berikutnya giliran Hari yang menang.


Main igo malam-malam
Udah pada capek main igo (capek karena efek perjalanan juga), semuanya pada nonton sambil nungguin Astrid datang buat nemenin Wetry. Astrid lama banget nyampenya (dari Ancol katanya. Ngelatih lumba-lumba di sana). Datangnya pas udah tengah malam.

Dari kiri ke kanan Wetry, Astrid, Luthfi, Andi, Danang
Sesudah Astrid datang, masih lanjut cerita-cerita sambil ngakak-ngakak sekitar sejam gitu, terus semuanya pada bubaran buat istirahat. Berakhirlah hari pertamaku di Jakarta.

Dari kiri ke kanan Wetry, Astrid, Hari
Monday, November 23, 2009
"Sadako" was actually based on a true story
(kisah nyata bo......hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!)
Udah pernah nonton film 'The Ring' (yang versi aslinya-versi Jepang) ?!
Katanya sih ...... film itu diilhami kisah nyata
yang terjadi belasan tahun lalu di Jepang.
Dan sampai saat ini . konon si 'Gadis Misterius di
Sumur Tua' itu masih
sering menampakkan diri. Seperti yang
diceritakan seorang saksi mata
dibawah ini.
(cerita asli dalam bahasa Jepang, telah
diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa
Kami hidup di desa terpencil yang jauh dari hingar
bingar kota. Saya Daijiro, malam itu berkumpul bersama 3 orang
teman laki-laki.
Kami merayakan ulang tahun Watanabe, seorang teman saya
yang baru pulang dari Tokyo. Saat itu jam menunjukkan pukul
bar tempat kami minum-minum
sudah hendak tutup; Maka kami memutuskan
untuk melanjutkan ngobrol dirumah
Shinosuke, yang paling dekat. Dan kamipun
berjalan menuju kesana.
Semua penduduk desa sepertinya telah terlelap
tidur diselimuti kabut musim
dingin. Kira-kira 500 meter menjelang rumah
Shinosuke ......
Kami melewati sebuah sumur tua ...... !
Tiba-tiba kami dikagetkan suatu hal yang sangat
mengerikan ...... !!!
Tiba-tiba muncul seorang gadis berpakaian putih
panjang dengan berlumur
banyak darah . Sekujur tubuh dan kepala
gadis itu
penuh berlumuran darah segar...!
Kami berempat tak sanggup berbuat apa-apa .....
kami hanya tertegun
ketakutan ..... !!!
Tak sanggup lari karena dicekam ngeri . bahkan tak
sanggup bergerak atau bersuara !!!
Tetapi, gadis itu ternyata hanya berlalu ......
melewati kami berempat dan
terus berjalan menuju sumur tua itu .......
Tak berselang berapa lama gadis itu lenyap, masuk
ke dalam sumur tua tersebut ......
Tapi, meskipun gadis itu sudah tak terlihat .....
kami berempat masih tetap
tertegun . tak bisa berkata sepatahpun, dan kami
hanya bisa saling memandang. Belum sempat kami menenangkan diri
...... selang 1-2 menit
kemudian kami kembali dicekam
Gadis misterius itu terlihat keluar dari dalam
sumur tua ......!!!
Hanya saja kali ini dengan pakaiannya yang putih
panjang tanpa lumuran
darah seperti tadi. Tapi wajah gadis
misterius itu
tetap tampak pucat dan
mengerikan ..... Kali ini gadis itu memandang
kepada kami berempat......
Dan tanpa bersuara dia berjalan
menghampiri kami berempat.
Kami dicekam perasaan aneh dan ngeri yang amat
sangat....... saya sendiri
merasa seolah darah di sekujur tubuh saya berhenti
mengalir .... !!!
Otak saya memerintahkan tubuh saya untuk lari . !!!
Tapi tubuh ini sama sekali tak sanggup bereaksi
untuk menggerakkan kaki
saya ...... rasanya seluruh tubuh tak bisa bergerak !!!
Dengan dicekam kengerian luar biasa ......
saya melihat gadis misterius itu
makin mendekat. Makin mendekat ...... dan akhirnya kami
kira-kira kurang dari 2 meter.
Saya merasa bahwa saya hampir pingsan saat itu.
Ketika si gadis menyeringai
Meskipun gadis itu tidak bertaring (seperti
hantu di film-film horor) .....
tapi saya merasa bahwa wajahnya saat itu jauh
lebih mengerikan dari Dracula
yang pernah saya tonton di film .... !!!
Kami berempat sudah benar-benar
tercekam rasa
Kami sama sekali tidak sanggup
bergerak .....
bahkan bersuara ..... dan
sepertinya hanya bisa pasrah apapun yang
akan terjadi .
Kami seolah tak percaya ...... si gadis
berkata :
"RINSO memang Hebaaaaatttttt-ne . Haaa-
iiik !!!"
Hahahahaha....Serius amat bacanya... :p
(kisah nyata bo......hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!)
Udah pernah nonton film 'The Ring' (yang versi aslinya-versi Jepang) ?!
Katanya sih ...... film itu diilhami kisah nyata
yang terjadi belasan tahun lalu di Jepang.
Dan sampai saat ini . konon si 'Gadis Misterius di
Sumur Tua' itu masih
sering menampakkan diri. Seperti yang
diceritakan seorang saksi mata
dibawah ini.
(cerita asli dalam bahasa Jepang, telah
diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa
Kami hidup di desa terpencil yang jauh dari hingar
bingar kota. Saya Daijiro, malam itu berkumpul bersama 3 orang
teman laki-laki.
Kami merayakan ulang tahun Watanabe, seorang teman saya
yang baru pulang dari Tokyo. Saat itu jam menunjukkan pukul
bar tempat kami minum-minum
sudah hendak tutup; Maka kami memutuskan
untuk melanjutkan ngobrol dirumah
Shinosuke, yang paling dekat. Dan kamipun
berjalan menuju kesana.
Semua penduduk desa sepertinya telah terlelap
tidur diselimuti kabut musim
dingin. Kira-kira 500 meter menjelang rumah
Shinosuke ......
Kami melewati sebuah sumur tua ...... !
Tiba-tiba kami dikagetkan suatu hal yang sangat
mengerikan ...... !!!
Tiba-tiba muncul seorang gadis berpakaian putih
panjang dengan berlumur
banyak darah . Sekujur tubuh dan kepala
gadis itu
penuh berlumuran darah segar...!
Kami berempat tak sanggup berbuat apa-apa .....
kami hanya tertegun
ketakutan ..... !!!
Tak sanggup lari karena dicekam ngeri . bahkan tak
sanggup bergerak atau bersuara !!!
Tetapi, gadis itu ternyata hanya berlalu ......
melewati kami berempat dan
terus berjalan menuju sumur tua itu .......
Tak berselang berapa lama gadis itu lenyap, masuk
ke dalam sumur tua tersebut ......
Tapi, meskipun gadis itu sudah tak terlihat .....
kami berempat masih tetap
tertegun . tak bisa berkata sepatahpun, dan kami
hanya bisa saling memandang. Belum sempat kami menenangkan diri
...... selang 1-2 menit
kemudian kami kembali dicekam
Gadis misterius itu terlihat keluar dari dalam
sumur tua ......!!!
Hanya saja kali ini dengan pakaiannya yang putih
panjang tanpa lumuran
darah seperti tadi. Tapi wajah gadis
misterius itu
tetap tampak pucat dan
mengerikan ..... Kali ini gadis itu memandang
kepada kami berempat......
Dan tanpa bersuara dia berjalan
menghampiri kami berempat.
Kami dicekam perasaan aneh dan ngeri yang amat
sangat....... saya sendiri
merasa seolah darah di sekujur tubuh saya berhenti
mengalir .... !!!
Otak saya memerintahkan tubuh saya untuk lari . !!!
Tapi tubuh ini sama sekali tak sanggup bereaksi
untuk menggerakkan kaki
saya ...... rasanya seluruh tubuh tak bisa bergerak !!!
Dengan dicekam kengerian luar biasa ......
saya melihat gadis misterius itu
makin mendekat. Makin mendekat ...... dan akhirnya kami
kira-kira kurang dari 2 meter.
Saya merasa bahwa saya hampir pingsan saat itu.
Ketika si gadis menyeringai
Meskipun gadis itu tidak bertaring (seperti
hantu di film-film horor) .....
tapi saya merasa bahwa wajahnya saat itu jauh
lebih mengerikan dari Dracula
yang pernah saya tonton di film .... !!!
Kami berempat sudah benar-benar
tercekam rasa
Kami sama sekali tidak sanggup
bergerak .....
bahkan bersuara ..... dan
sepertinya hanya bisa pasrah apapun yang
akan terjadi .
Kami seolah tak percaya ...... si gadis
berkata :
"RINSO memang Hebaaaaatttttt-ne . Haaa-
iiik !!!"
Hahahahaha....Serius amat bacanya... :p
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Cho Even the Score
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tsumego (7): Super Easy
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Double Challenge: Cho U vs. Yamashita Keigo
The playoff for Kisei challenger was played in November 16. The players were the winner from League A, O Rissei and Cho U who won League B.

Cho who held white won the game by resignation. It seems that Cho is back to his trademark move, White 4. He also used it during the first Tengen match, but he lost the game.

The first game of Kisei title matches will be played in middle January. Cho will play Yamashita Keigo who has hold Kisei for 4 consecutive years. Before that, they will play for Tengen series, where Cho is the title holder and Yamashita is the challenger.

Cho who held white won the game by resignation. It seems that Cho is back to his trademark move, White 4. He also used it during the first Tengen match, but he lost the game.

The first game of Kisei title matches will be played in middle January. Cho will play Yamashita Keigo who has hold Kisei for 4 consecutive years. Before that, they will play for Tengen series, where Cho is the title holder and Yamashita is the challenger.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Yamashita Keigo Won the First Game
The 35th Tengen title match series have started. The first game was played in November 12 at Matsumoto, Nagano.
Yamashita Keigo (challenger) played black, while Cho U the title holder played white.

35th Tengen, first title match
Cho played his trademark at move 4. He directly approach black, instead of occupying the empty corner. It's been awhile, since Cho rarely plays it now. Yamashita answered with an outside attach. Move 10 by white is not the usual follow up. Usually white will play O3 in this situation. Move 10 is questionable since it let black to play hane at N4. The outcome was favorable for Yamashita.
The exchange in the corner led to a difficult fight. After the crosscut at K7, both players started a semeai. The fight was better for black, since it has aji from stones at F12 and G12.
After an interesting 319 moves, Cho U resigned the game. He was behind about 6 points on board.
Yamashita marked a good start in the series, while Cho must play better to defend his title, or he will lose another title after his Meijin.

Yamashita Keigo
Yamashita Keigo was Tengen title holder in 2005, before he lost it to Kono Rin. Yamashita challenged Kono for the next 2 consecutive years, but never managed to show a good performance (he only won once in each series). Cho won the title from Kono Rin last year.
Yamashita Keigo (challenger) played black, while Cho U the title holder played white.

35th Tengen, first title match
Cho played his trademark at move 4. He directly approach black, instead of occupying the empty corner. It's been awhile, since Cho rarely plays it now. Yamashita answered with an outside attach. Move 10 by white is not the usual follow up. Usually white will play O3 in this situation. Move 10 is questionable since it let black to play hane at N4. The outcome was favorable for Yamashita.
The exchange in the corner led to a difficult fight. After the crosscut at K7, both players started a semeai. The fight was better for black, since it has aji from stones at F12 and G12.
After an interesting 319 moves, Cho U resigned the game. He was behind about 6 points on board.
Yamashita marked a good start in the series, while Cho must play better to defend his title, or he will lose another title after his Meijin.

Yamashita Keigo
Yamashita Keigo was Tengen title holder in 2005, before he lost it to Kono Rin. Yamashita challenged Kono for the next 2 consecutive years, but never managed to show a good performance (he only won once in each series). Cho won the title from Kono Rin last year.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
14th LG Cup Final
Two players have claimed their seats as the finalist in the 14th LG Cup by winning the semi-final in November 9.
The first player in the final is the world champion Lee Changho from Korea. He beat Piao Wenyao from China in the semi-final to win his seat. An interesting fact about Lee this time, is the fact that he managed to the semi-final by beating Qiu Jun who beat him the previous 4 days in the smi-final of 14th Samsung Cup.

Lee Changho (left), Pio Wenyao (right)
Lee played as white and Piao played as black. The opening was territory oriented. Lee chose to play for territory in the right side, instead of playing for moyo in the bottom by playing nadare.
At move 99, black tried to get some territories in the middle, by attacking white's stone. Black did get about 14 points (9 points + 5 captured white stones), but in exchange for some of his territories in the left side, so the trade is about equal.

Lee Changho (white) vs. Piao Wenyao (black), board position up to move 84.
The endgame was close for both players, but it seems that Piao was in time trouble, while Lee was calmer. Piao resigned the game at move 246. He was behind about 2-3 points including komi.
The second player to claim his seat was Kong Jie from China.
Kong Jie (who played black) met Park Yeonghun from Korea. While Lee vs. Piao game was calm, the game between these two players was very agressive.

Kong Jie
Up to move 22 the game was still calm, black's move at 23 was natural, but it led to a complicated fight. A diificult semeai started and it took about 40 moves to finish, with both managed to live. But no rest for both of them, because another violence fight started after that. Black tried to use the weakness in white's formation in the center.
Kong Jie played a beautiful tesuji at move 99. White can not captured the stone directly, since it was exactly what black wanted. If white played white 100 at 1 (diagram below) black will counter with the following sequence and will get the upper hand.

White could also connect with 1 (below), but I think the outcome is still better for black.

White resigned at move 149. The position was hopeless for him.
The final will be played in February 20, 22, and 23. Kong Jie is in super shape at the moment. After his promotion to 9 dan this year, he managed to the final of LG and Samsung Cup consecutively. I wonder if Kong can seize the momentum and make himself as a world champ.
The first player in the final is the world champion Lee Changho from Korea. He beat Piao Wenyao from China in the semi-final to win his seat. An interesting fact about Lee this time, is the fact that he managed to the semi-final by beating Qiu Jun who beat him the previous 4 days in the smi-final of 14th Samsung Cup.

Lee Changho (left), Pio Wenyao (right)
Lee played as white and Piao played as black. The opening was territory oriented. Lee chose to play for territory in the right side, instead of playing for moyo in the bottom by playing nadare.
At move 99, black tried to get some territories in the middle, by attacking white's stone. Black did get about 14 points (9 points + 5 captured white stones), but in exchange for some of his territories in the left side, so the trade is about equal.

Lee Changho (white) vs. Piao Wenyao (black), board position up to move 84.
The endgame was close for both players, but it seems that Piao was in time trouble, while Lee was calmer. Piao resigned the game at move 246. He was behind about 2-3 points including komi.
The second player to claim his seat was Kong Jie from China.
Kong Jie (who played black) met Park Yeonghun from Korea. While Lee vs. Piao game was calm, the game between these two players was very agressive.

Kong Jie
Up to move 22 the game was still calm, black's move at 23 was natural, but it led to a complicated fight. A diificult semeai started and it took about 40 moves to finish, with both managed to live. But no rest for both of them, because another violence fight started after that. Black tried to use the weakness in white's formation in the center.
Kong Jie played a beautiful tesuji at move 99. White can not captured the stone directly, since it was exactly what black wanted. If white played white 100 at 1 (diagram below) black will counter with the following sequence and will get the upper hand.

White could also connect with 1 (below), but I think the outcome is still better for black.

White resigned at move 149. The position was hopeless for him.
The final will be played in February 20, 22, and 23. Kong Jie is in super shape at the moment. After his promotion to 9 dan this year, he managed to the final of LG and Samsung Cup consecutively. I wonder if Kong can seize the momentum and make himself as a world champ.
Kong Jie,
LG Cup,
Park Yeonghun,
Piao Wenyao
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Kudo Joseki
Let's talk about Kudo joseki today.
What is a Kudo joseki anyway? Well, here is the example of Kudo joseki:

The main idea of Kudo joseki.
Kudo joseki is a joseki that was developed by Kudo Norio, the former Tengen title holder. It is a variation from joseki invented by Fujisawa Hosai. The main line of this joseki is the placement of white 4, which is one line further than the actual joseki where white 4 is placed at A.
The idea of this joseki is to get a better aji from white 4, since the pressure on the stone is not as big as white A.
Many think about black plays iken tobi in this situation. If black play iken tobi, the usual continuation is:

Black played iken tobi instead of the attachment
Above is the peaceful variation. Black solidly take the corner, while white get the outside.
If you prefer to fight than playing peacefully, you can try the aggressive variation below:

Aggressive continuation.
The variation is aggressive and lead to a battle. The sequence above came from the game between Hane Yasumasa (father of the current Honinbo title holder, Hane Naoki) and Ishigure Ikuro. A similiar situation arose in 2004, in the game between Cho U and Yoo Changhyuk at LG Cup. Hane played the variation above, while Yoo prefer solid move at A.
I think the two spaces jump that Cho U played is better than the one Ishigure played (he played tsuke at black's stone). White's position is not as hard in the diagram above. Here is the position from Cho vs. Yoo game:

Cho U vs. Yoo Changhyuk
Another sequence is white to played keima tsuke exchange before played the sequence above.

A trap from white.
This move seems to be a trap in the variation. The intention of this move is to trap black to play 1 in diagram below.

Not really good for black.
The black's groups is separated, while the two white stones has a great aji. White can gain 1 eye by capturing the black stone, or sacrifice them to get his group out.
When blocking, black must not block from A, since the position will be bad for him.

Uh-oh for black.
Now black must defend the group on the right, then white will split black's groups in the right.
Since the keima tsuke is a trap move, of course there is a way to avoid it. By playing nobi.

The proper way for black.
The position is good for black, since he got the corner and still has access to the center. The variation came from the 1st Nongshim Cup, where Kudo used it to played Luo Xihe from China (but Kudo who played white was unsuccessful. He lost by 3.5 points).
Try this joseki sometimes and have fun guys :)
Kudo Norio was born in August 2, 1940. He turned shodan in 1955 and became 9p in 1976. In 1975 he won the 5th All Japan #1 tournament. Two years later, he won his first big title, Oza. The last title he hold was Tengen in 1997. In 2005, he was the elected president of the International Go Federation, succeeding the late Kato Masao.

Kudo Norio.
What is a Kudo joseki anyway? Well, here is the example of Kudo joseki:

The main idea of Kudo joseki.
Kudo joseki is a joseki that was developed by Kudo Norio, the former Tengen title holder. It is a variation from joseki invented by Fujisawa Hosai. The main line of this joseki is the placement of white 4, which is one line further than the actual joseki where white 4 is placed at A.
The idea of this joseki is to get a better aji from white 4, since the pressure on the stone is not as big as white A.
Many think about black plays iken tobi in this situation. If black play iken tobi, the usual continuation is:

Black played iken tobi instead of the attachment
Above is the peaceful variation. Black solidly take the corner, while white get the outside.
If you prefer to fight than playing peacefully, you can try the aggressive variation below:

Aggressive continuation.
The variation is aggressive and lead to a battle. The sequence above came from the game between Hane Yasumasa (father of the current Honinbo title holder, Hane Naoki) and Ishigure Ikuro. A similiar situation arose in 2004, in the game between Cho U and Yoo Changhyuk at LG Cup. Hane played the variation above, while Yoo prefer solid move at A.
I think the two spaces jump that Cho U played is better than the one Ishigure played (he played tsuke at black's stone). White's position is not as hard in the diagram above. Here is the position from Cho vs. Yoo game:

Cho U vs. Yoo Changhyuk
Another sequence is white to played keima tsuke exchange before played the sequence above.

A trap from white.
This move seems to be a trap in the variation. The intention of this move is to trap black to play 1 in diagram below.

Not really good for black.
The black's groups is separated, while the two white stones has a great aji. White can gain 1 eye by capturing the black stone, or sacrifice them to get his group out.
When blocking, black must not block from A, since the position will be bad for him.

Uh-oh for black.
Now black must defend the group on the right, then white will split black's groups in the right.
Since the keima tsuke is a trap move, of course there is a way to avoid it. By playing nobi.

The proper way for black.
The position is good for black, since he got the corner and still has access to the center. The variation came from the 1st Nongshim Cup, where Kudo used it to played Luo Xihe from China (but Kudo who played white was unsuccessful. He lost by 3.5 points).
Try this joseki sometimes and have fun guys :)
Kudo Norio was born in August 2, 1940. He turned shodan in 1955 and became 9p in 1976. In 1975 he won the 5th All Japan #1 tournament. Two years later, he won his first big title, Oza. The last title he hold was Tengen in 1997. In 2005, he was the elected president of the International Go Federation, succeeding the late Kato Masao.

Kudo Norio.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
New Igo Website
It seems that there is a new go website. It's name is
What makes it different from the other igo website is that gocommentary is an igo video website. It's contents are video about igo, especially a commentary of pro games with voice not subtitle.
I personally haven't seen the video (the internet connection is too slow :( )
but I've seen a series of video like this before. It was videos about Kong Jie vs. Lee Changho's game I think and it was pretty good. Give a visit if you have time :)
What makes it different from the other igo website is that gocommentary is an igo video website. It's contents are video about igo, especially a commentary of pro games with voice not subtitle.
I personally haven't seen the video (the internet connection is too slow :( )
but I've seen a series of video like this before. It was videos about Kong Jie vs. Lee Changho's game I think and it was pretty good. Give a visit if you have time :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
11th Nongshim Cup
The 11th Nongshim Cup is scheduled to be started at the end of November. Starting from November 25, three groups, from China, Japan, and Korea will fight each other to win this championship.
Nongshim Cup is a tournament with win and continue format. The same format with Jeongganjang Cup. The tournament is divided into 3 stages, with stage 1 to be played from Nocember 25 to November 28.
Each team consists of 5 players. Here is the list of the team members:
Chang Hao(9d), Ding Wei(9d), Gu Li(9d), Xie He(7d), Liu Xing(7d)
Hane Naoki(9d), Takao Shinji(9d), Yamashita Keigo(9d), Yamada Kimio(9d), Iyama Yuta(9d)
Lee Changho(9d), Park Yeonghun(9d), Yun Junsang(7d), Kim Jiseok(6d), Kim Seongjae(3d)
The Japan team doesn't change very much. Kono Rin is changed with Iyama Yuta. The rest is exactly the same member as last year's. I personally prefer to put Yoda Norimoto instead of Yamada Kimio, but.. oh well.
China team still seed Chang Hao and Gu Li, while the other three members were chosen through preliminaries.
Korea team is the one with the most changes. With Lee Sedol' temporary retirement, only Lee Changho seeded as the team member (and as the captain I believe), while the other 4 were chosen through preliminaries.
Nongshim is an instant noodle company. I've tried their product once and I think it was pretty delicious, but it's very expensive here, since it is imported.
Nongshim Cup is a tournament with win and continue format. The same format with Jeongganjang Cup. The tournament is divided into 3 stages, with stage 1 to be played from Nocember 25 to November 28.
Each team consists of 5 players. Here is the list of the team members:
Chang Hao(9d), Ding Wei(9d), Gu Li(9d), Xie He(7d), Liu Xing(7d)
Hane Naoki(9d), Takao Shinji(9d), Yamashita Keigo(9d), Yamada Kimio(9d), Iyama Yuta(9d)
Lee Changho(9d), Park Yeonghun(9d), Yun Junsang(7d), Kim Jiseok(6d), Kim Seongjae(3d)
The Japan team doesn't change very much. Kono Rin is changed with Iyama Yuta. The rest is exactly the same member as last year's. I personally prefer to put Yoda Norimoto instead of Yamada Kimio, but.. oh well.
China team still seed Chang Hao and Gu Li, while the other three members were chosen through preliminaries.
Korea team is the one with the most changes. With Lee Sedol' temporary retirement, only Lee Changho seeded as the team member (and as the captain I believe), while the other 4 were chosen through preliminaries.
Nongshim is an instant noodle company. I've tried their product once and I think it was pretty delicious, but it's very expensive here, since it is imported.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Gu Lingyi to Challenge Gu Li for Mingren Title
This year, Gu Li, the Mingren title holder, will be challenged by 20 years old Chinese promising young player, Gu Lingyi.
Gu Lingyi is Chinese 5-dan professional. Born at July 3, 1991. He is the winner of South-West Qiwang championship for three consecutive years, from 2007 to 2009. An interesting fact is that he beat Gu Li in the final of the 8th South-West Qiwang (2009) to won the championship.

Gu Lingyi
Gu Li is the famous Chinese player. Many consider him as number 1 player in the world. He hold 5 international title in 2009 after he won the 1st BCCard Cup. He is well known among go fans for his aggressive playing style. Gu Li has been the title holder of Mingren for 5 years. Starting from 2004 when he stole it from Qiu Jun. Last year many expected Piao Wenyao (5 dan) to won the title from him, after Piao won the first 2 games, but Gu Li fought back and won the last three games.

Gu Li
Mingren is the Chinese Meijin title (it shares the same letters). First held was in 1988. Ma Xiaochun is famous for this title since he is the title holder for 13 consecutive years.
The first game's date is yet unknown, but I think it will be at the end of November or in early December.
Gu Lingyi is Chinese 5-dan professional. Born at July 3, 1991. He is the winner of South-West Qiwang championship for three consecutive years, from 2007 to 2009. An interesting fact is that he beat Gu Li in the final of the 8th South-West Qiwang (2009) to won the championship.

Gu Lingyi
Gu Li is the famous Chinese player. Many consider him as number 1 player in the world. He hold 5 international title in 2009 after he won the 1st BCCard Cup. He is well known among go fans for his aggressive playing style. Gu Li has been the title holder of Mingren for 5 years. Starting from 2004 when he stole it from Qiu Jun. Last year many expected Piao Wenyao (5 dan) to won the title from him, after Piao won the first 2 games, but Gu Li fought back and won the last three games.

Gu Li
Mingren is the Chinese Meijin title (it shares the same letters). First held was in 1988. Ma Xiaochun is famous for this title since he is the title holder for 13 consecutive years.
The first game's date is yet unknown, but I think it will be at the end of November or in early December.
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