Friday, February 3, 2012

Takao Shinji Won Game 3

The 36th Kisei title series was continued to its third game after only 4 days of break from the second game, which is unusual for a major title like Kisei. Takao Shinji, the chalenger, played black and Cho U Kisei played white.

The game started with a Low Chinese Fuseki from black at the right side. Cho U was the first to play unusual move with white 12 and showed his intention to control the center after the opening. Day 1 proceeded rather fast and Cho U did the sealing move for white 96.

Cho U handed his sealed move

Day 2 started with an iken tobi from white. Cho U tried to establish the center while keeping the pressure over black's group. Cho played a good move with white 126, making white's center really big. Takao countered this with black 143 and the ko fight began. Cho sacrificed the lower group to capture the whole center and the game became really close.

Takao Shinji (lefT) vs. Cho U (right)
A pity lost for Cho U

Takao Shinji finally won the match after 299 moves by 0.5 point. The fourth game will be played 2 weks from now. Will Takao keep his advantage, or will Cho once again close the gap? Stay tune for the answer.

Game record:
Takao Shinji (black) vs. Cho U (white). Result: B+0.5

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[36th Kisei title series, game 3]
DT[2012-02-02]PB[Takao Shinji]BR[9p]PW[Cho U]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+0.5]MULTIGOGM[1]