Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Huanglongshi Cup Starts!

The second Huanglongshi cup starts today (February 1) in China. This year the format has been changed to a win and continue tournament, the format that was used by Jeongganjang Cup. This tournament can be seen as the replacement of Jeongganjang Cup which was stopped after 9 years of running. Unlike the first edition where 4 teams compete for the title, only 3 teams (China, Japan, Korea) are competing this time.

The opening game was between Yoshida Mika of Japan and the newly crowned Female Myeongin, Choi Jung. Yoshida Mika who played white chose an unusual strategy with white 8.

Yoshida Mika (left) and Choi Jung (right)
The game look even after the opening. Choi decided to attack white's position at the bottom board with black 57. Yoshida kept the group under attack and the fight at the center started. The position was chaotic but both players handled their group well and saved them.

The endgame was close for both player. White 162 seems slow for me. I think a monkey jump at T3 is better. The game came to its end after 281 moves, and thanks to the Chinese counting and 7.5 points komi, Yoshida Mika won the game by 1/4 stone.

The Korean team discussing the game

The second game will be played tomorrow. It seems that Wang Chenxing (2 pro) will be Yoshida Mika's next oponent.

Here is the game record:
Yoshida Mika (white) vs. Choi Jung (black). Result: W+0.25

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[2nd Huanglonshi Cup, game 01]
DT[2012-02-01]PB[Choi Jung]PW[Yoshida Mika]KM[7.5]HA[0]RE[White+0.25]MULTIGOGM[1]