Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mukai Chiaki Challenge Xie Yimin Again

The 30th Female Honinbo finally down to the climax with Mukai Chiaki winning the preliminary's final, won over Ishii Akane (1 dan) to become Female Honinbo's challenger.

Mukai Chiaki (left)

This is the fourth time Mukai challenges Xie Yimin for Xie's title. Previously Mukai challenged for Female Meijin twice and last year's Female Honinbo, but failed to capture the title in those three attempts. Meanwhile, this is the second time Ishii Akane failed to be a title challenger. She reached the final of 28th Female Honinbo, but lost to Aoki Kikuyo.

Ishii Akane

Vote who do you think will become the 30th Female Honinbo

Who do you think will win the 30th Female Honinbo?
Xie Yimin
Mukai Chiaki free polls

Here is the game record:
Mukai Chiaki (white) vs. Ishii Akane (black). Result: W+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]GM[1]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]FF[3]EV[30th Female Honinbo challenger decision match]
DT[2011-08-11]PB[Ishii Akane]BR[1p]PW[Mukai Chiaki]WR[4p]KM[6.5]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1]