Thursday, August 25, 2011

Iyama Yuta Challenges Tengen

Iyama Yuta is in his way to dominate Japan's go arena. With Meijin and Judan in his pocket, Iyama is now in his way for Tengen title as he beat O Meien at the final of the 37th Tengen Championship.

O Meien (left) vs. Iyama Yuta (right)

O Meien who played black opened the game with Meien corner pattern at the bottom right. Later, O Meien tried to build center's thickness. Iyama played calmly and reduced black's center little by little. O Meien resigned after white 208 as the gap became bigger and bigger.

Iyama will play Yuki Satoshi the title holder in a best-of-5 to decide who will be the 37th Tengen title holder.

Vote who do you think will win this year Tengen below:
Who Will be the 37th Tengen
Yuki Satoshi
Iyama Yuta free polls 

Here is the game record:
Iyama Yuta (white) vs. O Meien (black)

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[37th Tengen, final]DT[2011-08-25]PB[O Meien]
BR[9p]PW[Iyama Yuta ]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1]


f4223n354 said...

hahaha, keterangan fotonya blm dibenerin...
o meien (left) vs iyama yuta (black)