Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Seventh Victory

Choi Jung who previously set a new record at GG Auction Cup extended her record by defeating Seo Bongsoo (9 dan) at the seventh game.

Seo Bongsoo (left) vs. Choi Jung (right)

The focus of the game was the fighting at the center. Seo who played white split black's group with white 102 and 104. Choi found her way out with black 155-161. White can't kill black, since black has N11. If white plays N11, black will go to O9 and still alive.

Seven victories in a row! An impressive record by Ms. Choi

Here is the game record:
(p.s: the game ended at move 163, but I add some variations after that to show how black will alive)
Choi Jung (black) vs. Seo Bongsoo (white). Result:B+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[5th GG Auction Cup, game 7]DT[2011-07-11]
PB[Choi Jung]BR[1p]PW[Seo Bongsoo]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+R]MULTIGOGM[1]
;B[ln];W[mo];B[mm];W[nn];B[lk];W[ml];B[mk];W[qk];B[rk]C[The game ends here]
(;W[nl];B[ok];W[pk];B[pj];W[lp];B[od];W[ph];B[ng]C[white is dead.];W[nf];B[mg];W[mf]


ryanstephendavis said...

thanks, very nice synopsis

Biondy said...

you're welcome.