Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Fightback?

After Yamashita Keigo won the first three games of the 66th Honinbo title match, many fans expect him to take the title again. Most of them think this is going to be a piece of cake for Yamashita. However, Hane proved it wrong by winning the sixth game and brought the whole thing to the final 7th game!

Yamashita Keigo (left) vs. Hane Naoki (right)

Yamashita who played black chose a fighting game with his joseki at the bottom right corner. Day 1 ended with Yamashita did the sealing move for black 57.

Day 2 started by Yamashita played F5, trying to help black's stone while attacking white's group. The fight became really fierce. Black captured white's big group at the center, but Hane collected enough territory to defeat Yamashita by 7.5 points.

The calm Hane Naoki. Will he make it again like 3 years ago?

The final game will be played at July 20-21. Will Hane got his second fightback for Honinbo title? Or will Yamashita get out of the dirty mud at the finale?
Vote who do you think will be the 66th Honinbo below

do you think will win the 66th Honinbo?
Yamashita Keigo
Hane Naoki free polls

Here is the game record:
Hane Naoki (white) vs. Yamashita Keigo (black). Result: W+7.5

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[66th Honinbo title match, game 6]
DT[2011-07-13,14]PB[Yamashita Keigo]BR[9p]PW[Hane Naoki]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[W+7.5]


wossname said...


Biondy said...

it seems we have team Hane here =)