Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cho U Leads Kisei Defense

Cho U Kisei is close to defense his title as he won the fifth game by 2.5 points from challenger, Iyama Yuta Meijin.

Cho U (left) vs. Iyama Yuta (right)

The opening was unusual. Black tried to get a wall at the right side, but I think the wall is not effective due to J14. Day 1 ended with Iyama did the sealing move for black 57.

Iyama handling the sealed move to the referee, Takemiya Masaki.

Day 2 started with Iyama played O3 as his sealed move. The most interesting part of this game is the end game. As move 159, black captured white's group at the bottom but white got a big territory at the upper side. Cho later successfully captured 7 stones by attacking black's weak group around D10. Cho played a worth study end game move at white 190. Black started a ko fight at move 199, I'm not sure that this is the best idea, since white has more ko threads, but the normal way (connecting at H13 at black 199) gave an uncertain result. The game was really close for both side. Finally Iyama decided to capture the 3 stones and disrupted the upper side in retun of white's seki at the bottom board. The sixth game will be played at March 10-11. It will be a crucial game for Iyama if he wants to capture Kisei title.

Cho U

Here is the game record:
Cho U (white) vs. Iyama Yuta (black). Result: W+2.5

EV[35th Kisei title match 5]
PW[Cho U]
PB[Iyama Yuta]