Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Xie Won Game 1

Xie Yimin Female Honinbo started her title challenge well. She won the first game of the 29th Female Honinbo championship which was played at October 6.


Xie who played black in this game opened the game by playing the Micro Chinese opening. Mukai's joseki choice at the bottom right corner is very territory oriented. I personally dislike the move since black already played Q10 which works well with the wall. The game came to a break at move 80 for lunch break.

Ishida Yoshio is the commentator for this game

A surprising exchange was played during the game. The exchange at move 204-205 let Mukai got a ko fight to save her group while Xie got 4 stones and a chance to destroy white's corner. After 237 moves, Xie won by resignation. White is behind in territory and still has a ko fight to handle.

Busy press room

Xie Yimin

Losing is not everything. Just look at Mukai Chiaki's expression.

Here is the game record:
Xie Yimin (black) vs. Mukai Chiaki (white). Result: B+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[29th Female Honinbo title match, game 1]
DT[2010-10-06]PB[Xie Yimin ]BR[5p]PW[Mukai Chiaki]WR[4p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+R]MULTIGOGM[1]