Friday, March 9, 2012

Kisei Went to Seventh Game

The 36th Kisei-sen went all the way to its seventh game after Takao Shinji's victory at the sixth game. At the end of game 5, the position was 3-2 for Cho U's favor. Takao have to win the 6th game or he will start all over again from the league. In this game, Takao Shinji played white while Cho U played black.

Takao Shinji (left) vs. Cho U (right)

The game started with a new move by black 11. White got a running group at the upper board, but received a nice thickness toward the bottom. Black got territory at the upper board, but had to take care of white's thickness. Day 1 ended with black 67. A fierce cut that will bring fight at the right side.

At day 2, Cho tried to invade white's influence with black 111 and 113. Takao showed that he was confidence with his group at the right side and decided to win the ko fight with white 142. Takao showed a great skill to create a double ko fight for himself and seized the advantage, Cho resigned soon afterward.

Takao Shinji survived game 6
The last game will be played on March 14-15. Who will get the title? Takao Shinji the challenger or Cho U the title holder?

Here is the game record:
Takao Shinji (white) vs. Cho U (black). Result: W+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[36th Japanese Ksei title series, game 6]
DT[2012-03-07,08]PB[Cho U]BR[9p]PW[Takao Shinji]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1]