Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Iyama Won Bosai Cup

After yesterday's victory, Gu Li (9 dan) went to the final game against day 1 winner, Iyama Yuta.

Gu Li (left) vs. Iyama Yuta (right)

Iyama played white in this game. The opening was a little bit uncomfortable for white, but he showed a good skill during the game. For example, white 112 which utilizes his dead stones' aji. Gu Li resigned at move 208, because the gap was too big.

This is the first time Iyama won an international event and, I think, is exactly the mental boost he needs to achieve the next level. The Judan he won earlier this month seems to play a part in this victory as well. Congratulations for the young Meijin!

Iyama Yuta Meijin Judan, finally won his first international event

Here is the game record:
Iyama Yuta (ehite) vs. Gu Li (black). Result: W+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[1st Bosai (Chongqing) Cup. day 3]
DT[2011-05-18]PB[Gu Li ]BR[9p]PW[Iyama Yuta ]WR[9p]KM[7.5]HA[0]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1]


Hoang Duy said...

hi, the game show above is game 2, not the final,


Biondy said...

fixed. thank you