Thursday, June 17, 2010

FII Survival Team Tournament (11)

This is the newest game of the Survival tournament. White was Mr. Daniel and black was my team mate, Ms. Miranti.

In this game, white got advantage early in the game, however, black fought very hard and managed to capture white group in the bottom. Black continued her crusade and won the game in the yose. Miranti won the game by a mere 0.5 points. With his lost, Daniel's team has been eliminated from the tournament.

(;CA[utf-8]FF[4]ST[2]RU[Japanese]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]C[sandan [-\]\: onegaishimasu
sandan [-\]\: apaan tuh td bear -_____-
AP[CGoban:3]SZ[19]GM[1]DT[2010-06-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at http\://]
(;B[pc]BL[3414.8]C[Rather weak I think.]
(;W[of]WL[3509.76]C[Black can cut white now.]
(;B[ic]BL[3307.14]C[Strange. I thought black will cut...];W[md]WL[3363.74];B[mc]
C[An overplay. Black misread the ladder here.];W[ih]WL[3075.41];B[jg]BL[3055];W[kg]
WL[3065.38];B[lq]BL[2944.82]C[Black is behind. She must tried something.];W[kp]
;B[ko]BL[2773.8];W[jo]WL[2622.01];B[lm]BL[2745.22]C[A good move.];W[ln]WL[2503.49]
[kq][kr]C[Now white group looks really weak. The question is, how black will exploit it?]
;W[jr]WL[2361.58];B[hn]BL[2610.93]C[Nice cut!!];W[im]WL[2329.3];B[in]BL[2606.11]
;W[jl]WL[2326.13]C[Black captured white in the bottom. The game become close!];B[mi]
;W[pj]WL[2298.64]C[Too eager!];B[jh]BL[2529.11]
(;W[ii]WL[2179.1]C[Will K11 works?];B[ki]BL[2504.71];W[ji]WL[2143.65];B[kh]BL[2501.97]
(;W[mg]WL[1663.44]TR[nj]C[White can't play O10];B[nj]BL[2288.82];W[kj]WL[1658.9]
(;B[eo]BL[2009.28]C[I think this is where black wins.];W[oe]WL[1274.92];B[lj]BL[1993.14]
[ap][aq][bp][cp][bq][cq][dq][rq][sq][ar][br][cr][dr][qr][sr][as]C[Black won by 0.5 points.])
(;B[ep];W[li];B[lh];W[lj];B[gs];W[dq]C[White won by 0.5 points this way.])
(;B[jj];W[hj]C[I think white can win this.])
(;W[jm]C[Definitely not here.];B[mm];W[nm];B[nl];W[om];B[ol]))
(;B[fq]C[Perhaps a direct approach?]
(;W[pf]C[It seems slow, but the actual game leave a cut.]))
(;B[og];W[jq];B[pj]C[White may try this.])
(;B[of]C[If black thinks that white will help the stone directly.])))