Sunday, November 20, 2011

Park Yeonghun Opened The 39th Myeongin

The final of the 39th Myeongin is a clash between 2 leading Korean player, Park Yeonghun (9 dan) and Baek Hongsuk (8 dan), in a best of 5 title series to decide who will be the 39th Myeongin. This year's Myeongin has a different format from the previous cycles. In this cycle, the players went from knockout preliminaries to a knockout main tournament where in the previous cycles, the players went from preliminaries to a main league (where players were split into 2 leagues).

Park Yeonghun (left) vs. Baek Hongsuk (right)
Park is currently the Myeongin title holder (he won it last year from Weon Sungjin), however he doesn't get the privilege to directly defends his title. In fact, he played from round 1 all the way to the final. Meanwhile, Baek is a preliminary player. He was eliminated from the 38th Myeongin's league after scoring his only victory in a match against Lee Sedol.

Park Yeonghun played black in the first game, while Baek Hongsuk played white. The game started with a new pattern at the upper right corner. White 12 is new. Usually white will play hane at Q13 or S13. The outcome up to move 33 seems fair, maybe it is a new joseki. Baek then invaded black's area with white 34 and a fight started to spread at the bottom area.

Park Yeonghun, fighting to defends his title
Park played very well in the center and Baek soon became short on territories. White's last hope is to kill black's group at the upper board. Black played a tesuji at black 141 and 143. White 142 confuses me. I think there's nothing wrong with the direct N14 and it gives white more chance to kill black, but maybe I missed something (if you know the reason of white 142, please drop a comment. Thank you :D).

Black got a ko fight and executed the fight very well. White resigned after 173 moves. The second game will be played on November 24.

Will Baek even the score at the next game?
Here is the game record:
Park Yeonghun (black) vs. Baek Hongsuk (white). Result: B+R

EV[39th Myeongin final round 1]
PB[Park Yeonghun]
PW[Baek Hongsuk]

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Iyama Won Tengen

The 37th Tengen tournament reached its end at the third game on November 17. Iyama Yuta (9 dan) won the third game from Yuki Satoshi, the title holder, thus winning the title by 3-0!

Iyama Yuta (left) vs. Yuki Satoshi (right)
This is the first Tengen title for Iyama and it seems he is now the youngest Tengen title holder at the age of 22. Previously the record was held by Ryu Shikun. Ryu Shikun was 23 when he won the title.

Iyama Yuta, the youngest Tengen
Congratulations for Iyama!

Here is the game record:
Iyama Yuta (white) vs. Yuki Satoshi (black). Result: W+R

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[37th Japanese Tengen title match, game 3]
DT[2011-11-17]PB[Yuki Satoshi]BR[9p]PW[Iyama Yuta]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1]

Cho Hanseung, The New Kuksu

The 55th Kuksu tournament ended on November 16. The series went all the way to the fifth game. Cho Hanseung had the lead after game 3, but Choi Cheolhan won game 4 and made the series went for the fifth game. Cho Hanseung then won the last game and won the title with it. This is the first Kuksu title for Cho Hanseung and his first tournament victory after 2 years. His last victory came from GS Galtex Cup in 2009.

Cho Hanseung, the new kuksu

Here is the game records:

 Game 4
Choi Cheolhan (left) vs. Cho Hanseung (right)
Choi Cheolhan (black) vs. Cho Hanseung (white). Result: B+R
(; EV[55th Kuksu title match 4] KM[6.5] FF[3] SZ[19] GM[1] PW[Cho Hanseung] WR[9d] DT[2011-11-14] BR[9d] RE[B+R] PB[Choi Cheolhan] ;B[qd];W[dc];B[dp];W[pp];B[ce];W[oc];B[kd];W[ed];B[hd];W[df];B[cg] ;W[dh];B[dg];W[eg];B[eh];W[ef];B[di];W[cf];B[ch];W[bf];B[pc];W[od] ;B[pf];W[mc];B[qn];W[nq];B[rp];W[fq];B[cn];W[dr];B[mp];W[mq];B[kp] ;W[qq];B[oo];W[qh];B[qg];W[ph];B[nf];W[pk];B[lb];W[ld];B[kc];W[lf] ;B[mh];W[ql];B[ol];W[nj];B[kg];W[ne];B[of];W[kf];B[mf];W[me];B[jf] ;W[pb];B[qb];W[pd];B[qc];W[nb];B[pa];W[lg];B[lh];W[nd];B[hq];W[cq] ;B[eq];W[ep];B[fp];W[eo];B[dq];W[er];B[cp];W[gq];B[gp];W[hp];B[ho] ;W[ip];B[fn];W[bp];B[bo];W[io];B[hr];W[gr];B[gs];W[fr];B[jq];W[en] ;B[fm];W[bq];B[fo];W[dn];B[co];W[dl];B[bl];W[ek];B[fl];W[np];B[jn] ;W[fk];B[cm];W[no];B[qm];W[hk];B[dm];W[hb];B[gb];W[gc];B[hc];W[fb] ;B[hi];W[jl];B[in];W[jj];B[kk];W[mk];B[kl];W[jk];B[lj];W[jg];B[kh] ;W[if];B[je];W[ig];B[gg];W[gf];B[ib];W[ii];B[ha];W[rq];B[rl];W[rk] ;B[sm];W[rn];B[ro];W[on];B[po];W[pn];B[nn];W[nm];B[mn];W[op];B[qo] ;W[mm];B[qj];W[rj];B[pj];W[qk];B[om];W[ln];B[pm];W[on];B[ml];W[nl] ;B[ok];W[oj];B[oi];W[nk];B[pi];W[oh];B[ni];W[rg];B[rf];W[ri];B[sg] ;W[sh];B[rh];W[cj];B[dj];W[rg];B[sf];W[sp];B[rh];W[el];B[ck];W[rg] ;B[so];W[sq];B[rh];W[hn];B[hm];W[rg];B[br];W[cr];B[rh];W[cl];B[bk] ;W[rg];B[ap];W[aq];B[rh];W[rm];B[sn];W[rg];B[fs])

Game 5
Choi Cheolhan (left) vs. Cho Hanseung (right)
Cho Hanseung (black) vs. Choi Cheolhan (white). Result: B+1.5
(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[55th Kuksu title match, game 5]DT[2011-11-16] PB[Cho Hanseung ]BR[9p]PW[Choi Cheolhan]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+1.5]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[pd];W[dc];B[qp];W[dq];B[de];W[co];B[oq];W[ce];B[cf];W[cd];B[dg];W[fc];B[ck];W[qj] ;B[ql];W[qf];B[qh];W[rh];B[mc];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[rc];W[nc];B[nd];W[od];B[oe];W[oc] ;B[ne];W[pe];B[qe];W[pf];B[rf];W[rb];B[qg];W[og];B[rd];W[md];B[lc];W[ld];B[mf];W[kc] ;B[kb];W[kd];B[nb];W[ob];B[mb];W[jb];B[pa];W[qb];B[la];W[nh];B[lg];W[oa];B[na];W[sb] ;B[oi];W[ni];B[oj];W[li];B[jg];W[ml];B[ol];W[nk];B[ok];W[kh];B[kg];W[ii];B[hg];W[hd] ;B[gi];W[qq];B[hk];W[rp];B[pp];W[qo];B[po];W[qn];B[kl];W[rr];B[lk];W[nj];B[ln];W[mn] ;B[mo];W[jk];B[jl];W[mg];B[lf];W[jh];B[ic];W[id];B[hi];W[lm];B[kn];W[no];B[mp];W[pn] ;B[nm];W[kk];B[ll];W[mm];B[nn];W[lj];B[fq];W[km];B[jn];W[jm];B[im];W[il];B[hl];W[ik] ;B[dr];W[cq];B[eq];W[cl];B[dl];W[cm];B[bk];W[fn];B[cr];W[in];B[hm];W[go];B[dn];W[dm] ;B[do];W[en];B[ep];W[el];B[dk];W[bp];B[gn];W[br];B[fo];W[hq];B[dp];W[cp];B[hp];W[ip] ;B[ho];W[gp];B[nl];W[mk];B[iq];W[pq];B[oo];W[jq];B[ir];W[kp];B[io];W[jo];B[jp];W[hf] ;B[gf];W[ip];B[hn];W[hr];B[jp];W[or];B[jr];W[cs];B[rm];W[ja];B[ka];W[jd];B[bl];W[bm] ;B[nr];W[nq];B[mq];W[er];B[fr];W[ds];B[ed];W[ge];B[if];W[ff];B[he];W[fd];B[be];W[bd] ;B[fg];W[rg];B[ri];W[op];B[np];W[oq];B[af];W[ek];B[ej];W[sc];B[re];W[qi];B[sh];W[ph] ;B[sg];W[pi];B[ad];W[bc];B[ef];W[fe];B[rn];W[ro];B[pg];W[oh];B[of];W[mr];B[lr];W[ns] ;B[rj];W[ee];B[ac];W[ab];B[ae];W[dd];B[df];W[bg];B[bf];W[bb];B[ih];W[dj];B[di];W[ij] ;B[fs];W[ie];B[hf];W[am];B[fk];W[fl];B[gk];W[qk];B[rk];W[on];B[no];W[hj];B[gj];W[al] ;B[ak];W[ls];B[ks];W[lq];B[ms];W[eo];B[gq];W[ls];B[kr];W[lh];B[ms];W[fp];B[fo];W[ls] ;B[ng];W[nf];B[ms];W[ng];B[nr];W[cj];B[bj];W[mr];B[cn];W[bn];B[nr];W[ci];B[bi];W[mr] ;B[jc];W[ib];B[nr];W[ch];B[bh];W[mr];B[hc];W[hb];B[nr];W[ei];B[fj];W[mr];B[gc];W[gd] ;B[nr];W[os];B[gb];W[fb];B[mr];W[dh];B[cg];W[sn];B[sm];W[so];B[es];W[dr];B[sd];W[ke] ;B[jf];W[qm];B[pl])

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cho U Leads Oza 2-0

The 59th Oza title series continued. Cho U, the title holder, made the gap bigger from Hane Naoki by winning the second game and gained the lead by 2-0.

Hane Naoki (left) vs. Cho U (right)

The third game will be played on November 24. Hane Naoki must win the third game to keep his hope for the title alive.

Here is the game record:
Cho U (black) vs. Hane Naoki (white). Result: B+1.5
(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[59th Oza title match, game 2]
DT[2011-11-11]PB[Cho U]BR[9p]PW[Hane Naoki ]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+1.5]MULTIGOGM[1]

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Game Review: Unnecessary Fight

This is a game I recently played on WBaduk. This one game is a "rare" game where I thought over my moves. Usually I just dropped the stones. I was leading but I didn't realize that and continue the ko fight at the bottom left. Luckily my opponent didn't realize his chance to win the game and I won the game.

You can check my game review here

 I put the game on eidogo since the usual sgf viewer I use has problem with showing variations, so it's more comfortable tu put a game with many variations on eidogo. Check it out and drop some inputs guys :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Iyama Won Second Game by A Half Point

The second game of the 37th Tengen sen met with a close game. Iyama Yuta who played won the game by 0.5 point, giving him the lead of the title series by 2-0!

Iyama Yuta (left) vs. Yuki Satoshi (right)
Iyama showed an interesting play with black 77 to black 89. He used the aji of his stone to create a thickness. Yuki Satoshi played a clever reducing move with white 120 and 122, resulting in a close game for both players.  I think white 242 is the losing move. White should play at A2 instead, it seems that white will win by 0.5 point that way.

Will Iyama win Tengen as a redemption on his Meijin's lost?
The third game will be played on November 17. Will Iyama win he title at the next game, or will Yuki survived the series? The third game will be crucial. Don't miss it guys!

Here is the game record:
Iyama Yuta (black) vs. Yuki Satoshi (white). Result: B+0.5

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[37th Tengen title match, game 2]
DT[2011-11-08]PB[Iyama Yuta]BR[9p]PW[Yuki Satoshi]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+0.5]MULTIGOGM[1]

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cho Hanseung Leads 55th Kuksu

The 55th Kuksu title series continued on November 8. This time, Choi Cheolhan the Kuksu title holder played white and Cho Hanseung played black. Cho Hanseung opened the game with a great combination from black 17 to black 27. White survived the attack, but black got a big thickness at the center.

Choi Cheolhan (left) vs. Cho Hanseung (right)

Cho Hanseung extended his lead by stealing white's corner. He played black 131-135 and ended in sente. Choi Cheolhan resigned not long afterward. Cho Hanseung now leads the Kuksu title series by 2-1. The fourth game will be played on November 14.

Cho Hanseung leads by 2-1. Will he seized the title at the next game?

Here is the game record:
Cho Hanseung (black) vs. Choi Cheolhan (white). Result: B+R
(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[55th Kuksu title match, game 3]DT[2011-11-08] PB[Cho Hanseung]BR[9p]PW[Choi Cheolhan]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[B+R]MULTIGOGM[1] ;B[qd];W[pp];B[dd];W[dp];B[qn];W[nq];B[kc];W[qo];B[pn];W[pj];B[ph];W[nj];B[no];W[om] ;B[pl];W[mm];B[nl];W[ol];B[po];W[qp];B[nm];W[ml];B[nk];W[ok];B[nn];W[mk];B[mj];W[ni] ;B[lj];W[kl];B[lo];W[lq];B[jo];W[il];B[lh];W[ng];B[lf];W[mf];B[pf];W[le];B[ke];W[pd] ;B[pe];W[ne];B[ld];W[lg];B[kf];W[kg];B[mh];W[nh];B[mg];W[kh];B[ji];W[ki];B[kj];W[jj] ;B[me];W[nf];B[jk];W[ij];B[ik];W[mi];B[hj];W[li];B[ii];W[in];B[kq];W[io];B[lr];W[mr] ;B[lp];W[mq];B[iq];W[ip];B[hq];W[fo];B[jp];W[ig];B[hl];W[qc];B[rd];W[pc];B[qi];W[cl] ;B[cj];W[fq];B[bn];W[co];B[bl];W[dl];B[cm];W[dm];B[jm];W[ch];B[cf];W[db];B[dc];W[eb] ;B[cb];W[gc];B[ic];W[bb];B[cc];W[ca];B[bc];W[hc];B[id];W[gf];B[ef];W[he];B[ck];W[cn] ;B[bm];W[gl];B[ej];W[jl];B[hm];W[im];B[gm];W[gp];B[fl];W[qj];B[rc];W[mc];B[md];W[nd] ;B[gr];W[fg];B[fe];W[ge];B[cq];W[bo];B[er];W[fr];B[dr];W[en];B[eh];W[fs];B[br];W[kr] ;B[jr];W[ls];B[rj];W[rk];B[ri];W[rn];B[rm];W[ro];B[qm];W[qk];B[js];W[lb];B[lc];W[mb] ;B[qb];W[pb];B[rb];W[jb];B[jc];W[ib];B[fh];W[dk];B[dj];W[gs];B[hs];W[hr];B[ir];W[gq] ;B[hr];W[kn];B[ko];W[ba];B[ab])

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yamashita Keigo Won Meijin

The 36th Meijin title series finally ended. Yamashita Keigo the challenger was crowned as the new Meijin after he beat Iyama Yuta at the sixth game, bringing the result to 4-2 in his favor.

Yamashita sealed the deal.

This is the first time Yamashita won Meijin title. Previously, he has won Honinbo, Kisei, Oza, Gosei, Tengen, Judan is the only big 7 title Yamashita hasn't won. Congratulations to Yamashita!

Yamashita Keigo Honinbo Meijin.

Quite a roller coaster year for Iyama

Here is the game record:
Yamashita Keigo (white) vs. Iyama Yuta (black). Result: W+3.5

(;CA[Windows-1252]SZ[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]GN[Rated game]EV[36th Meijin title match, game 6]
DT[2011-11-27,28]PB[Iyama Yuta]BR[9p]PW[Yamashita Keigo]WR[9p]KM[6.5]HA[0]RE[W+3.5]