Hangzhou Tianyuan Tower's Entrance
This year, 65 countries take part in this tournament. Too bad Indonesia can't participate this year due to some personal issues.
Countries that participate
Here is the tournament's condition:
* 8 round Swiss system
* All games to be played on even with Black giving 6-1/2 point komi
* The time allowance of one hour per player, and 3 times of 30 seconds byo-yomi.
Tournament clocks will be used for all games.
* Tournament rules are The World Amateur Go Championship Rules.
Any problems that arise will be settled by the referees.
* Referees will be professional go players from China Qi-Yuan
The youngest contestant this year is the 11 years old Cheng-Hsun Chen from China Taipei.
The International Go Federation's bulletin Ranka covers the tournament this year.
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